Channel Islands MID 6 ft 8 inches Channel Islands MID 6 ft 8 inches
5 stars - "Review for Channel Islands MID 6 ft 8 inches" This Channel Islands MID 6 ft 8 inches is the best Fish Funboards I have tried.
  • Channel Islands MID 6 ft 8 inches - Image 1
  • Channel Islands MID 6 ft 8 inches - Image 1
Channel Islands

Channel Islands MID 6 ft 8 inches

Product ID: 609171
Brand: Channel Islands
From: $1,399.00 AUD

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Chanel Islands MID

The CI Mid is a modern classic design resulting from a fun collaboration with Devon Howard, a southern California surfer that has spent the past two decades riding and refining egg-inspired designs that are in a category of boards many refer to as midlengths.

Inspired by the clean, longer-railed lines drawn by traditional eggs and single-fins, the CI Mid infuses that timeless vibe with the crispness, sensitivity, and freedom made possible by modern features synonymous with Merrick design principles. Boasting a sleek, egg-like template with low entry rocker and foam a tad forward for ease of paddle and effortless trim speed, the CI Mid scoots, squirts and swivels thanks to contemporary features like double-barrel concave, gradually accelerated rocker, and hard, slightly tucked rails through and off the tail.

A reliable all-arounder that flies over the flatter, smaller stuff, the CI Mid really stands apart from other eggs and various midlength designs out there, especially in shoulder-high to nearly double overhead point surf—where surfers are able to lay down flowy, arcing turns with total confidence, speed, and control.


6'8 x 20 3/4 x 2 5/8 x 40.20 litres FCS

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